1. Diversity of Workforce
- More women involve in hotel industry
2. Increase in use of technology
- Reservations are being made by individuals via the internet
3. Continued quest for increases in productivity
- Managers are seeking different ways to increase productivity and to measure productivity by sales per employee.
4. Increasing use of revenue management
- To increase profit by effective pricing of room inventory
5. Greening of hotels and guest rooms
- Such as using environmentally friendly products and recycling
6. Security
- Hotels are trying to improve guest security
7. Diversity of the guest
8. Compliance of the ADA (American of Disabilities Act)
- All hotels must have new constructions that are designed for disablilties
9. Use of websites
- Hotels are trying to persuade guests to book rooms via the company website instead of other internet site
10. In-room technology
- Hotels keep upgrading in-room technology